Saturday, June 2, 2012


Tired - that is what I am.  I fall asleep when Bennett goes to bed maybe even before she falls asleep.  Somehow this is what I need.

Bennnett woke up at 5 am today she tried to get me out of bed.  We stayed in bed snacking on bannanas and chatting eventually she fell back to sleep around 9 am.  I had to get her up to go to a performance at her school at 10 am.  For the first time in two years she wanted to go and she got on stage and performed. These performances were kind of torturous before she would go but not want to be on stage without mom.  Today she did it!  It was the last one -she played violen and guitar (little exercises) it was amazing.

I did not have a camera - I did not invite Aunties.  Hopefully we may get some pics from other parents.  Estelle's mom took pictures of them and Estelle told Bennett she did a wonderful job!  Estelle is a great  little friend.  I am sad that we are leaving Prelude.

I did not run today but ran 3.5 miles yesterday and 2.5 the day before with Z - I know I ran wednesday 3 miles.

1 comment:

  1. I sometimes feel exhausted just thinking about all you are doing, Pat!

    I am really pleased to hear about Bennett's stage triumph, and the pleasure you took in it.

    Much love, Jim
