Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I finally managed to get a hold of the director of The Garden.  I made an appointment with her this Thursday to do intake paperwork.  The Garden is the children's bereavement group in Northampton.

I also scheduled a time to get Bennett's paper work processed for the Holyoke public schools- just in case.

Zues and I ran 2 miles today - I have been taking it easy.  My left leg has been bothering me just below my but - I only feel it after I have run for about a mile.  It is annoying - by the end of three miles my left foot is a bit numb.  This started earlier in the summer - I bought new shoes.  My leg still hurt - so I have started stretching.  I guess the stretching should have come before any running.

Ran 2 miles yesterday and 3 the day before


  1. Try to check that out with a physician. You want to avoid permanently injuring a nerve. Maybe you need a different type of shoe or an orthodec(sp?)to fit in the shoe.
    Elizabeth S

  2. So glad that you are making the connection with The Garden. Such a wonderful resource with such caring people. You are doing so many positive and loving things for Bennett. Be sure to take care of yourself, as well (seeing the doctor is a good suggestion).
    Love you,

  3. I spent a little time on the Garden's web site. Looks like a good place. I look forward to hear what your experience is there, Pat!

