Thursday, September 27, 2012

feeling easier

I have been feeling a large weight on my chest when I layed down at night.  I pound my chest to ease it.  lately it has gotten lighter My friend Ruth C.  who was Ruth's good, good friend mentioned something about how animals can work through trama better than humans.  They have a phisiCAL  reaction to trama - they shake their limbs afterward.  People tend to carry trama with them.

I run, I beat my chest and recently I have been lifting weights.  I think I must make myself strong to lift the weight on my chest.  I think there are fancy therapies that involve some physical method but running and beating my chest do wonders.

We met Sandy and another new mom from the Hill institute, Patricia at the farm today - Patricia is an older and interesting mom a dancer and anthropologist.  She has traveled to central america and China to adopt her child.  She seems like a wise and wonderful person.


  1. Wow Pat, that is intense but I can see that making yourself stronger will help you lift the weight on your heart.

    I hope that Bennett is making new friends at school.

    Lots of love, Mary

  2. Pat, I am thinking about you and sending love and hugs. Deb

  3. Pat, thanks for sharing these pieces of your journey through grief with us. As Mary said, they are intense, and illuminating. I know very well how intertwined the emotional and the physical are, and that the physical not only reveals, but also instructs and heals the emotions. Ruth C's comment on how animals heal was very wise, as usual.
