Sunday, May 6, 2012

single mom imprisonment

giant spider
Here are a couple of projects from the Hampshire class this semester.  I have to wrap up final evaluations this week and spent most of my weekend avoiding it (cleaning).  
metal rose

Ran with Zues on Mnt Tom this morning thanks to Aunt Ruth coming over - 3 miles.

Played in Aunt Ruth and Theo's yard with Sandy and Avy.  Aunt Theo cooked an excellent meal on the grill.

Thank you Aunties for saving me from my single mom imprisonment this weekend!


  1. wow - these were done by your students?! You are a great teacher; not every artist can teach as you do. You and B do have a great bunch of friends/Aunties. Ruth C, Theo, Sandy and many others are there for both of you.
    Elizabeth S

  2. Great work by your students Pat. You must be proud.

  3. Awesome work! Awesome sister!

  4. Those pieces are awesome Pat! And now you've got a clean house. If you're going to avoid doing something, best do it by doing something else productive.

