I realized today that I am exhausted. B went to school - I ment to make plans with Sandy and Avy but i was too tired. The house was a mess and I could not bring myself to call them. B watched a bit of stuff on netflix while I cleaned and made dinner.
I did fix the welder from Sf this morning and went to the gym 3.5 miles. I did not feel like doing much else.
You're accomplishing amazing things, one exhausted, hurting step at a time.
ReplyDeleteThe glass mice are lovely.
Hi Pat, I met you two weeks ago at Dorian's qi gong workshop in 'hamp. Your friend, Ruth Copelandis one of my special people, though she may not know it until now, Hi Ruth!. I knew your love, Ruth, at Smith College years ago. I was the offest press operator at Smith for quite awhile. I was out and had been for MANY yearsf. And then I met your Ruth, at Smith College. Holy Shit, that campus, that staff, that admistration needed her like they needed manna from heaven. Your Ruth put out this big old, "Y'all LESBIAN staff, Let's get together and talk" invitation. It was great, she was great, and she made it happen. In that world of men that hate women that run that place, Ruth just gathered us up into one community that liked each other and wanted to be together, even if it was for a lunch time once a month. Ruth created something good out of an non agreeable, if not outright oppresive, administration. She rocked, and I am so sorry to hear that cancer took her away from you and Bennett. Your Ruth will always be legendfor me. There's another story I love to tell and would like a chance to tell you in person. I am so sorry that she is gone from you and B. and us. Her love and energy changed many ways of thinking and altered many role model ideas. Hang in there, hope to see you and B in the studio soon.
ReplyDeleteYou are dealing with so much Pat, I hope you will give yourself a break and be ok with not doing everything you would want or should do.