Thursday, September 13, 2012


I am exhausted.  

Just when I thought school was going so smoothly I was called into the class room this morning to talk to the teacher about Bennett not listening and plainly refusing to participate in class (the teacher used the word non-compliant).  All I could think was yep that's my girl.  I tried to explain that yes she is a bit difficult and please do make her stand on the sidelines until she wants to join in.  Then this afternoon when I picked her up we were congratulated on how well she did.

I do think we both need the structure of school (I wish someone would come along and tell me what to do).   We had a lovely walk with Sandy and Avy after school.  Sandy and I are scheming about pooling our resources.  I have been running only 2 miles a day with lots of stretches.


  1. "Non-compliant." What a strange, clinical name for the behavior of a child you're all trying to understand and help. So weird.

    "I wish someone would come along and tell me what to do." I feel that way so often and I don't even have a child. I'm so happy you Sandy as a co-conspirator.

  2. 'Stuff' happens when an intelligent child like B starts at a new school. I'd worry more if she did everything she was told to do on the first day. I guess there is no rule book for parenting. Your love for her is what will guide you best. It's the parents who are mindless and expect the school to raise the child that are the ones with problems; I saw that first hand working at a middle and high school in VT. There is no easy way but you'll find things get clearer as you go and sharing issues with people like Sandy and the aunties will help.

  3. Pat- I'm sorry, but I am still sorta kinda laughing about the image of Bennett and Avy sitting on the ground, with arms crossed, refusing to participate in gym class. It was their first official sit-in!! (not that I would want that to be a regular occurrence, but still.) It will all work out, eventually. Sandy

  4. I love non-compliant. I can see it on a t-shirt now!

  5. Parenting on the Edge. ( this is one of the books in my head) rule number one: make sur your child knows you love them unconditionaly. That's all I got. I pulled my hair out, hugged my kids, punished them, let them off the hook, loved them, pulled my hair out, laughed with them, acted ridiculous with them, loved them, screamed at them, kissed them. If I write that book, I may go to jail. In the end, they are great adults and we laughter from time to time about all the above mentioned items. Katie boycotted gym to. You are doing awesome, Pat. I think the book parents need is full of love and affirmations for the adults. Hang in there. Karen B
