Saturday, September 22, 2012

multi- tasking

This week has been about multi-tasking.  Work Bennett- work Bennett.  I have had to deal with trying to work full (or overtime) with B.  I had two teaching gigs I had to take right in the same week.  Luckily I have aunties and friends who have helped out but the stress has worked its toll on me.  I made a fundamental mistake of not clamping something before  drilling and my hand is suffering the results.

My hand will heal but it is a lesson in paying attention to caring for myself and those around me.

B was so exhausted from going and coming with auntie Julie and Liz that she conked out on the way to picking up Zues tonight.  I managed to transfer her to bed where hopefully she will sleep till morning.  Liz offered to come over in the am and let B sleep or relax in her home.  I feel that if she can have two days of not being dragged about early in the am it helps in getting to school during the  week.  Thank you  Liz!

I will not commit to this  much work in the future - I was a bit desperate not making any money over the summer.  There is an art to multi -tasking salute to the single parents who manage to function!


  1. Pat - it's easy to lose focus with so much going on. I know you feel more comfortable with money coming in; just try to pace yourself. It's difficult to find a balance especially when you are the single parent. You're doing great and I think of you everyday.
    Elizabeth S.

  2. It's always good to discover what the limits are. Selfishly, I just loved having you here. It just seemed right.

  3. Big Salute to you Pat, as one of those single parents who's multitasking.

    I hope your hand is healing.

    Love, Jim
