Saturday, June 9, 2012

dreams and days

Last night I woke up to dreams of Ruth.  We were talking about the future she said she would not be there  but I would.  I just wanted her to hold me and she did.

We went to the farm yesterday first time this spring.  Bennett and Avy ran around barefoot playing in the dirt while Sandy and I picked peas.   I was a bit stern with the girls toward the end I was tired and did not want to chase them down.  Bennett has gotten into the habit of running.  She ran out of a park today while visiting our new friends in Longmeadow.  Her new friend, Letha  got a talking too and I tried to tell B how important it was not to run off.

Letha and her family were very sweet - they had a present for B and one for Letha to share.  We had a lovely time with Letha and her little cute brother Robbie at the park.  Thanks to Lynne who called Megan (mom of family) and introduced us.

I should have had the camera today but did take a pic of last nights dinner - peas, tofu, greens and toasted pumpkin seeds, thanks to the farm.

Liz who is the mother of the farm gave me her condolences yesterday.  She said she would miss Ruth's face and her gracious ways.

These are the days - ran 3.5 miles yesterday nothing today other than running after B.


  1. I treasure my dreams of Ruth. In my most vivid dream of her, we were walking through a beautiful sunny garden. We stopped to admire a cherry tree covered in blossom. I asked her if she was tired and she put her hand on my arm and said "You forgot. I don't get tired any more".

    Mary xx

  2. I have wondered about your dreams of Ruth. It's bittersweet, but I'm happy you dream of her. You, too, Mary.
