Sunday, June 17, 2012

The dingo ate your baby

Aunt Ruth C came over today.  She played with Bennett and chatted with me.  Zeus and I jogged up to Scott's tower 3 miles.  Ruth helped me figure out which of Ruth's handmade sweaters should go to which close friends.  Ruth C is my sounding board now - it is hard I am not good at several friends.  I rely heavily on one or two- I have always been this way.

Ruth C also taught B to say "the dingo ate your baby!"  She is saying it now while playing on the ipad.


  1. A good friend is a wonderful gift.

  2. A few good friends like Ruth are what is needed. Can B say the phrase with the cheesy accent?
    Elizabaeth S

  3. I don't know what came over me to offer that up--some shenanigans Bennett was pulling--but she latched onto it an wouldn't let go. I think what really committed her to mastering it, though, was her observation of the effect the YouTube video clip had on Pat-- uncontrollable cracking-up laughter! I can't wait to see how she's developed her act: when I left, she was really digging in on practicing the accent, and emphasis!

    Pat, I am so grateful to have your company and friendship. Hope to have a chat tomorrow morning, for sure.
    Lots of love,

  4. Pat, I have always felt that you and Ruth chose great friends: smart, artistic, funny, carrying people. And I've been so grateful you've had them nearby during Ruth's cancer and since her death. Much love! Jim
