Thursday, April 19, 2012

look again in your heart

 I love this picture.  Something about the look in Bennett's eyes and Bob's big hand.  This was taken the last time Bob and Jim visited us.

So many good things - my sister Deb posted this -

When you are sorrowful, 
look again in your heart,
And you shall see that in truth you are weeping
For that which has been your delight.

from The Prophet
by Kahill Gibran

This is true.  Ruth was my delight and she left so much delight in my life.

The delightful duo Ruth and B.

Zues and I ran 3 miles today - no poop rolling thank goodness!


  1. You and Bennett are my heart's delight. love and hugs Di

  2. Hi, Pat-

    Every time I see a picture of Ruth, especially with Bennett, I get such a sharp pang of sadness and missing her. It's funny how we spent so much time together, but we rarely took any pictures. Probably because we saw each other a few times a week and we were just doing "ordinary," everyday kinds of things that didn't seem to warrant documenting. It's good, albeit painful, to see her face. I miss talking to her so much. Sometimes I do not even realize the depth of that missing, until it surfaces in some sudden and enigmatic way.

    Anyway, thinking of you as you go through the painful process of cleaning out closets, etc. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, in all ways. Love to you both-Sandy

  3. The picture of Bob and Bennett is precious. Bennett's eyes are so expressive - and what a great shot of Ruth and Bennett! I'm wishing you moments of peace and healing amidst the craziness of life.
    Love you lots,

  4. I love both of these pictures. What a gift Ruth was to all of us. I can only imagine what a gift she was to have as a mother or wife. You both were so precious to her. I'm sure you knew it every day. An amazing gift to you both.

    I love the Gibran quote your sister shared.

