Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why blog

I did 3.5 miles today in around and out of whiting reservoir.  It is a great run no major ups or downs and your on a nice open flat path.  It was an incredible spring day - the wind to my back made me feel like I was flying (I wasn't going that fast but it felt great).

My sister and I had a grand evening with Avy, Brad and Sandy.  Dinner, talk and cheese!

I was thinking today about why I decided to do this.  Part of me thinks I did not want to let go of the ritual of blogging every night that Ruth did.  I always read it and sometimes gave input so felt very much apart of it even though it was Ruth's blog.  The blog was a great way for us to remember some of the little (but great and sometimes terrible) things that happened during the day.  It is amazing how days can pass and you can forget many of the details.

Also having to write down every day how far I have run solidifies my commitment to running 1000 miles.

Then there is the fact that I have to process what has happened.  One thing that Ruth taught me was not to run away (though as you can tell from the blog that is what I want to do) but to be in my life.  Bennett is also teaching me this as I believe most children do.

This is one of the last pictures of Ruth.  She was watching top chef with her sisters in St. Lucia.


  1. Flying...that sounds so good. Oh, Pat--six weeks. For me, every day the protective numbness shifts a little, like a bed cover that is not quite big enough, allowing that day's toes or knees or butt of pain, anger, confusion to peek out--or sometimes it's gratitude found under there, for having had Ruth as a friend, or a well of affection.
    I am looking forward to tomorrow, being able to call and say hey to you--and maybe I can come over to play after work? We'll figure it out.
    Lots of love,

  2. Thinking about how beautiful it was at the reservoir that day we walked (though a little sloppy with the melting snow :)) You sure have some wonderful spots to run. I love the picture of Ruth with her sisters in St. Lucia...Thanks for sharing!

  3. "One thing that Ruth taught me was not to run away ... but to be in my life."

    -- Pat, your blog is already a gift to me. I needed to hear this particular phrase right now. I'm going to imagine Ruth's voice reminding me, as well, and as often as possible.

    That's another reason to blog.

    Love, Jim
