I cannot believe it is mid April.
How does time keep going forward? The important thing is we are getting closer to June 23rd, which is Bennett's birthday.
She talks about that date nearly every day. I have told her we may have to have the party on a different date (I am teaching at SF that weekend). This does not thrill her. I hope to convince her with the possibility of two parties - a friend party and an auntie party(on her actual b-day which I might have to miss though Karen offered up SF for her party).
Kid's parties have gotten to be such a big deal. This weekend there will be one at the Children's Museum in Holyoke (one of her classmates). I don't remember ever having many birthday parties as a kid. Of course having a birthday at the beginning of February in a snow belt miles from a town made it difficult. I remember often getting socks for my birthday. Bennett might be disappointed with socks.
In any case this may be a hard birthday for her without Momo. Di left this picture of Ruth and Bennett on my computer along with some movies (which I have yet to open).
Ruth wanted so badly to see Bennett turn 5.
Ruth always planned the parties - #3 was at the bowling ally what chaos! There were three year olds running up and down the lanes chasing gutter balls. The management was not entirely happy with us. #4 was at the park much more suitable for running though it was difficult finding a spot to put our picnic blankets down that did not have dog poop nearby.
I will try my best to channel Ruth and find a bounce house to rent, some place to put it and invite some small people. Possibly there will be food and cake.
ps ran 3.5 miles today - moved some stuff to the new studio - weather was dramatic - dark clouds and bright sun.