Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A new day

I tried to put this pic in yesterday but for some reason it would not upload.  Bennett woke up almost refreshed.  We made it to school almost early.  She had pains in her leg before and after school they brought her to tears.  I think it is growing pains but will keep track of it.  Everything is worrisome.

Bennett talks often of what will happen if I die.  I reassure her that there are many aunties lined up to take care of her.  She also wants to visit the polar bears and Fiji.  Polar bears first because if I die Aunt Mary will take her to see Fiji.

Anyone know any cheap trips to the Arctic?

Zeus was back from his other family today - we jogged on Mt Tom.  The old fire road trail many up and downs.  I had to walk up some steep slopes. Probably jogged a total of 3 miles and walked a mile.


  1. Yay! Those pics are from when Bennett slept over in January. Theo let her wear her dwarf hat; Bennett hammed it up (and, she wanted to be an elf, not a dwarf, so).

    So great to see you guys today!

  2. Love it!!!!! North Carolina zoo has an awesome polar bear exhibit. Visiting us would be much less expensive than going to the Artic :-)

    Hope to see you soon.


  3. I love the idea of your blog, Pat. Give Bennett a big hug from her Aunt Deb.

  4. Pat - I'm so glad that you've started this post and your 1000 mile run. It's going to be a long 1000 miles, but you've started and that must be one of the hard bits (says me, who hasn't run 1000 yards in 30 years!)

    I'm thinking about you and Miss B all of the time. Really. I put a small parcel in the post for Miss B on Saturday so it should arrive soon.


  5. Hi Pat,

    I did some research and it looks like the closest Polar Bear is in Central Park.

    Closer than the arctic!

    Also here is a cool website on Polar Bears-

    I will keep looking for you.



  6. Any time you want to see the polar bears in Central Park (or stuffed, in the Museum of Natural History) you have a place to stay with us in New York! Love Jim & Bob

  7. love to say hello to her kitty, finger it, lick it feel her little tight body convulse while I get her to orgasm
