Saturday, March 31, 2012

Miles for March

Here are the miles for March 2012 from the 23rd on a total of 25.25 miles.  I have a ways to go - 974.35 miles.

My sister Deb asked how to contribute to this cause and I have not figured out the particular details.  She of course hit the nail on the head since I am trying to raise money for cancer research through this little project of mine ( Deb is very smart ).  I did contact the livestrong website and they gave me permission to use the logo but I still have not figured out how to link contributions to their site.  I decided to go ahead with this anyway because I needed to do it for myself regardless.  My goal is $1000 which I will donate myself at the end of the year but wouldn't it be great to donate more.

Tomorrow my other sister Diane will come to visit B and I for a week - yeah! Maybe I will enlist her to help me figure out donations.   Deb helped me start my paperwork journey and spent some fabulous time with Bennett.

Tonight I am soo tired.  Even though I was able to sleep in because Bennett was with Aunties.  Bennett and I went to Spence's birthday party at a indoor Monster miniature golf place.  Really crazy many many children, those lights that make everything white glow, lots of monster sculptures some that moved(a bit scary to B) and music from my high school years, pizza, cake - Prince and more.   Bennett gave up trying to hit the ball with her club and just used her feet.  All the parents were really nice - Spence's Moms are incredible but wow!   I think we both may need a day to recover.

I remember getting socks or something for my birthday maybe a cake.  How do parents do it?  Most of the kids looked a bit dazed by the end of the whole thing.


  1. Hi, Pat,
    I just plugged your mileage into my calculator, and at this rate, you will run 1,024 miles in one year! So, you are on track. You have time to figure out the donation logistics.
    I am looking forward to seeing Diane.
    Ack! Lucky Bennett has a summer birthday, I hope we can celebrate outside again.
    We had such a good time spent with Bennett. We are planning Easter! See you soon.

  2. It was great to hear that Diane made it out (and that you survived the birthday party!) Last year I attended a party for Zachy and Lauren at a hotel with an indoor waterslide - it was definitely over-stimulating (for me). It took about an hour to decompress after everything was over. It is wonderful to read your blog and watch your progress toward 1000 miles.
    Love you lots,

  3. "I remember getting socks or something for my birthday maybe a cake. How do parents do it? Most of the kids looked a bit dazed by the end of the whole thing." --you made me giggle.
