Saturday, November 24, 2012

Don't Piss Off The Fairies

former location of a large dark hole
Bennett and I fixed the side of the house yesterday.  You could actually see the backside of the drywall in the back room from outside before we patched it.   I think yesterday may have been the last warm day we will see for a while.  We saw snowflakes in the air today.

I am trying to stay positive.  We went to dinner at Liz and Julie's friends for thanksgiving.  Bennett had fun with another 5 year old girl and Diana  had present bags for each of the kids - super nice.  I tried to make conversation with people but it feels like everyone is from a different planet- their own planet.
the horse barn

Horses were cancelled today they had some fence problems.  We will go tomorrow.

I like the Don't Piss Off the Fairies sign on the post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Pat. It has been great to read your posts and catch up on your happenings. I'm so glad that you connected with friends for Thanksgiving. I love the sign, too - an adage that we should all live by!
    Hugs to Bennett and much love to both of you.
